The Ring/Silent switch is used to quickly and easily turn your ringer on and off. If your switch is flipped to silent, your iPhone won't ring.

How Do I Check My Ring/Silent Switch?

  1. Take a look at your Ring/Silent switch, which is located on the left side of your iPhone.
  2. You'll know the your iPhone is on silent when you see a small, orange line because switch is pulled away from the screen.
  3. To turn your ringer on, pull the switch towards the screen.

Pro Tips

  • When you flip the Ring/Silent switch, a notification will appear on the screen of your iPhone indicating that you turned the Ringer on or off.
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James Weldon
James Weldon
1 year ago

I am not an iPhone user and my wife is no techie. This site had the answer when even my savaay iPhone/Apple user friends advised the only course was to buy a new phone. Turning the ring/silent switch is not intuitive however.

Joyce Craig
Joyce Craig
1 year ago

With a Lifrproof case it has a round switch and no orage line. Any suggestions

1 year ago

yay!! thank you!! I had to open my case because it wasn’t clicking the switch hard enough. but it works now

Margaret McDonald
Margaret McDonald
2 years ago

I am an old lady of whom electronics do not like me nor I understand. Pls help! Phone is charged and the No sound switched button Is off bad sound all the way up. Why don’t I have sound? Please help! I need to have my phone as I have just gotten out of Hosp rehab for hip replacement and cannot go out to store. ☹️ Would appreciate help!
Not getting response !

Margaret McDonald
Margaret McDonald
2 years ago

I am an old lady of whom electronics do not like me nor I understand. Pls help! Phone is charged and the No sound switched button Is off bad sound all the way up. Why don’t I have sound? Please help! I need to have my phone as I have just gotten out of Hosp rehab for hip replacement and cannot go out to store. ☹️ Would appreciate help!

2 years ago

Thanks! As they say: “Well that was easy!” 🙂

Amodio Michael
Amodio Michael
2 years ago

If you’re i phone is on vibrate it won;’t ring. My wife figured it out.

Robert Renz
Robert Renz
2 years ago

It Works and now i remember it because it happened before.
Great to have ringer working. Thank You.

3 years ago

Thank you so much! You made it work again! I have spent an hour trying to figure this out before I found your instructions! Glory be!! Thank you a 1100000000 times!🤣😂🤣🇺🇸🌷🌹💕🌺❤️

3 years ago

Awesome, but tell people there is a cover to pull back before you can turn it back on. Best explanation of any I have tried.

Rose Marie Barfield
Rose Marie Barfield
3 years ago

My ringer is on and volume is set at highest setting and it still does not ring. Help!

Liam Shotwell
3 years ago

Check out our article about what to do when your iPhone won’t ring!

3 years ago

Thanks been mucking about for hours trying to do this ?

Debra Normand
Debra Normand
3 years ago

Thank you so much. You are the first person to really explain exactly what to do.

Liam Shotwell
3 years ago
Reply to  Debra Normand

No problem! I’m glad that we were able to help!

Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson
4 years ago

By worked!!!. That silent switch is sneaky. Initially, I did not see it because I was too busy concentrating on the volume controls. THANKS.

Liam Shotwell
4 years ago
Reply to  Mike Johnson

I literally just had a chat with my dad about this last night ? I’m glad we were able to help you out!

4 years ago

It worked!

Linda P. Rader
Linda P. Rader
4 years ago

Thank you! It works!!!!

Meredith Pelsky
Meredith Pelsky
4 years ago

My phone is still not ringing

David Payette
4 years ago

Check out this article about how to fix iPhones that won’t ring on Payette Forward. It might help!